VML Season 11 Top 8 Player Showcase
It’s the final week of the VML! 128 players joined this season, and this week will crown the champion. Before players only played one match a week, however this week is different. The quarterfinals, semifinals and finals matches will be played this week, which means everyone has to choose their deck to play up to three matches against different opponents. Here are our top 8 competitors.

JGHayes is playing in their second VML season, and has only lost a single match all season. They’ve played a mix of several decks this season, and chose Esper Midrange this week.
What got you interested in the VML?
I thought it would be a fun, low pressure way to practice Standard.
What does the VML mean to you?
I think it’s an important opportunity that allows for people in the community to get into competitive magic at their own pace.
What were your goals going into the season and have those goals changed as you’ve progressed through the tournament?
My goal for this season was to try and get top 8 so that I would be locked for the championships taking place at the end of the year.
How has the VML helped you improve as a player?
I think when you play magic with a goal in mind, you’re bound to improve.
How do you feel about your matches?
I feel like all my matches have been interesting because of the open-decklist league format the VML provides.
Violet Viatt

Switching off Boros Convoke from last week, Violet brought Azorius Control for the finals.
What got you interested in the VML?
I tested with sanctum of all a lot in the past and had friends playing, plus it just seemed like a really cool tournament structure.
What goals did you have going into the tournament and have those goals changed as you’ve progressed?
My goal is always first place, that hasn’t changed. That being said I could lose right now and still be happy with my top eight performance!
How has the VML helped you improve as a player?
I think the biggest improvement came from deck selection. I had to think a lot more about what axes decks were strong and weak on and how to abuse that week to week to gain an advantageous matchup, especially when I needed to find a deck that was favored against multiple possible decks I thought my opponent might play.
How do you feel about your matches?
I feel pretty good, I think I’m favored on paper against every deck in the top eight except for convoke and analyst pile. I also have the play guaranteed up until the finals which is a MASSIVE advantage in standard right now.
Sam Bogue

Sam has played almost exclusively Mono Red and Temur Ramp this season, up until last week when he switched to Esper Midrange, which they’re running back this week.
What got you interested in the VML?
Pro Tour Invites and Standard Gameplay!
How has the VML helped you improve as a player?
This tournament series definitely gave me some more experience building decklists for more closed, small, and inbred metagames, which I don’t get to do a lot of, since paper store play has mostly disappeared locally to me.
What does your testing process look like?
I generally just figure out what deck my opponent is most likely going to play, pick one of the three decks I own that has a good matchup into that deck (thankfully my arena repertoire has very varied matchup spreads so it works out well), and iterate the maindeck and sideboard until I have favorable matchups into most decks my opponent would be likely to register.
Oh, and playing games afterwards also helps, but deckbuilding is extremely important in the VML tournament structure.
What has been your hardest match this season?
Although all of the matches I’ve won have been 2-0 and all the matches I’ve lost were 1-2, my round 7 vs Sarah England was definitely the most difficult. Sarah came prepared for Mono Red, the deck she very much expected me to bring, and she played very well.
How do you feel about your matches?
I feel pretty good about this week’s match. Domain vs Esper is generally a 50-50 matchup, but with the Doorkeeper Thrulls and Tishana’s Tidebinders shutting off Atraxa and Stomper, I feel pretty favored pre-board. And I’m also a higher seed so I get to be on the play 🙂
Amy Altman

After losing in the first week, Amy has gone undefeated the rest of the season, playing mostly Boros Convoke. She’s sticking to what she’s comfortable with, playing Boros for the finals.
What got you interested in the VML?
I cubed with someone who suggested that I play it. Joined the league to meet new people and play competitive Standard.
How has the VML helped you improve as a player?
I’ve spent a lot more time thinking about tuning decks for specific matchups because the VML structure encourages this. I think I got better at this and also better about thinking about sideboard maps.
What were your goals going into the VML and have those goals changed as you’ve progressed through the tournament?
My initial goal was not to embarrass myself and then I kept winning and achieved my new goal of top 8ing and getting the RC invite. I guess my new goal is winning the entire season.
How do you feel about your matches?
My opponent is very good and I think they teched their deck well so I’m concerned but I’ve beaten a lot of hate so far and I hope that continues.
Cliff Boyardee

Cliff is our number 1 seed, having not lost a match all season. Throughout the season, he’s played Azorius and Jeskai Control and Rakdos Midrange, but last week he switched to Golgari Midrange, which he brought back this week
What got you interested in the VML?
I was always interested in the VML but just as of last year I came out as Enby and also grew a big enough collection on arena where I thought it was a good time to join!
What does the VML mean to you?
Being able to be out and open as an enby magic player and getting to play against other folks with similar experiences is super awesome
How has the VML helped you improve as a player?
The VML has helped me be more consistent with testing and tuning decks in preparation for certain metas
What goals did you have going into the tournament and have those goals changed as you’ve progressed?
My goal for the VML was to top 8 so I could make it to champs at the end of the year. My goal now is to be the season 11 champion and hopefully make the PT in champs.
How do you feel about your matches?
I felt really good about my first matchup of top 8, in testing Golgari does very well into Analyst decks. After that I’d be hoping to play against just Esper for the remainder as I believe I’m pretty favored as Golgari on the play
Wrap Up
That’s all for this season! Next week I’ll interview the champion about their experience this season, how playing in the VML differs from other tournaments and more.