Season 10 Decklists
Season 10
Week 1
Rakdos Midrange
Samantha Murphy
Handshake Emoji
Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney
RB Mid :(
Rakdos Midrange
Jason Ye
If you can't beat them, join them
Rachel Feingersh
Light It Up - Major Lazer ft. Nyla
Rakdos Midrange
Don't fix what Handshake Broke
idk what this format is like so I guess I'll play the winning PT deck
Madeleine Mayfield
Rakdos Midrange
PK Shellboy
boring stock im so sorry
The most boring RB midrange :(
Robin Isabella
Actually a Burn List
Emily Aisher
Mid-dos Rak-range
Shoshi Hope
Bankbuster? I hardly know 'er
Orzhov Midrange
Prepare for Trouble, and Make it Double
Cora Sabriel Stobie
Dark Wanderer (original OC pls don't steal)
It’s a little swampy here
i imagine quite a few people are going to be registering this list. thank you rain
Rakdos Reanimator
Azorius Soldiers
Mono-Blue Tempo
Esper Legends
Mono-White Midrange
Noelle Mendoza
playing the patience deck even tho I have no patience
Admin submitted
Azorius Flash
Dimir Control
Golgari Midrange
Grixis Breach
Grixis Reanimator
Orzhov Humans
Rakdos Breach
Rakdos Vampires
Week 2
Rakdos Midrange
Samantha Murphy
Rakdos Midrange
Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney
RB Mid :(
Please Ban Fable Already
I'm not getting juked again
Zoe Connell
she rak on my dos until I midrange
Talia Bael
Breaking the streak
Rachel Feingersh
Sideboard in 4x hope//pray
Rakdos Midrange
idk what this format is like so I guess I'll play the winning PT deck
Skyler Warfield
Rakdos Midrange
Madeleine Mayfield
Rakdos Midrange
The most boring RB midrange :(
Robin Isabella
Actually a Burn List
Shoshi Hope
Ban Hammer Central Station
Orzhov Midrange
Cora Sabriel Stobie
Dark Wanderer Returns: The Musical
i imagine quite a few people are going to be registering this list. thank you rain
5-Color Ramp
Grixis Midrange
Last Week Plus Blue...
Noor Singh
Not breaching for the sake of winning
Grixis Midrange
Charlotte Little
Casting Invoke with Chandra out is the most fun a girl can have without playing cube draft
Azorius Soldiers
To Protect the World from Devestation, to Unite all people within our nation
Esper Legends
Selesnya Enchantments
Emily Aisher
Why can't I have my cake (Enchantments) and eat it (+1/+1 Counters)
Mono-Red Aggro
Admin submitted
Azorius Control
Boros Aggro
Dimir Control
Dimir Poison
Grixis Reanimator
Jeskai Control
Mono-Black Midrange
Mono-White Midrange
Orzhov Breach
Orzhov Control
Orzhov Humans
Rakdos Breach
Rakdos Vampires
Simic Combo
Week 3
Rakdos Midrange
Samantha Murphy
Rakdos Midrange
Please Ban Fable Already
Rakdos Midrange
Nora Martin
Madeleine Mayfield
Rakdos Midrange
If you cant beat them Join Them
The most boring RB midrange :(
Robin Isabella
Bye, Bye Fable :(
Jeskai Dragons
Please, Let The Shuffler Be Kind This Week...
Orzhov Midrange
Jason Ye
Once More Unto the Breach
i imagine quite a few people are going to be registering this list. thank you rain
Kawaiit Riot
Bankbuster's Final Ride
5-Color Ramp
Selesnya Enchantments
Emily Aisher
Why can't I have my cake (Enchantments) and eat it (+1/+1 Counters)
Mono-Red Aggro
To Denounce the Evils of Truth and Love, to Extend our reach to the stars above
Mono-White Midrange
Azorius Soldiers
Azorius Control
Azorius Flash
Boros Midrange
Dimir Control
Gruul Stompy
Jeskai Convoke
There Has Never Been Anything Called The Jeskai Way and Even If There Had Been, Narset Can't Prove It
Jund Reanimator
Mono-Black Midrange
Mono-White Aggro
Naya Ramp
Orzhov Control
Rakdos Breach
Simic Bogles
Simic Combo
Week 4
Esper Legends
Sheoldred Can Step on Me
Jason Ye
I Dare You to Register Barrage
Not gonna think for this one
Guess I'll Never Go Off Meta
Azorius Soldiers
Soldier soldier won't you marry me?
Faerie Mastermind and Friends
Robin Isabella
Less Incorporeal Spirits
Mono-Red Aggro
Mono Red Aggro
PK Shellboy
new meta? play red.
Shoshi Hope
RDHW (Red Deck Hopefully Wins)
5-Color Ramp
Rachel Feingersh
don't forget to submit something this week
Selesnya Enchantments
I Miss Runes but this will have to do
Emily Aisher
Why can't I have my cake (Enchantments) and eat it (+1/+1 Counters)
Orzhov Midrange
Everything Else Is Frustrating.
Sara Van Vaals
Brightburnelle week 4
Nicole Dubin
Nicole Dublin week 4
Noelle Mendoza
Noelle Mendoza Week 4
Azorius Control
Mono-Blue Tempo
delver and haughty djinn divorced
Help What Is This Strange New Meta
Esper Midrange
Grixis Midrange
Azorius Aggro
Azorius Flash
Dimir Control
Dimir Toxic
Golgari Fights
Grixis Artifacts
Grixis Reanimator
Gruul Ramp
Izzet Tempo
Jeskai Convoke
There Has Never Been Anything Called The Jeskai Way and Even If There Had Been, Narset Can't Prove It
Jeskai Dragons
Jeskai Tokens
Mono-Black Midrange
Mono-Green Ramp
Mono-White Angels
Simic Combo
Week 5
Esper Legends
Pls No Lithomantic Barrage
Rachel Feingersh
taking actions at random
Not gonna think for this one
Mono-Red Aggro
Oh, how I have missed you, Mono-Red.
Team Villain Arc Blasting off at the Speed of Light
Abby Rose
Reddedded Redemption
Mono Red Aggro
Shoshi Hope
RDHW (Red Deck Hopefully Wins)
the dwarves will punish greedy mana bases
When In Doubt, Burn 'Em Out
Selesnya Enchantments
Jason Ye
I Dare You to Register Farewell
I Miss Runes but this will have to do
Emily Aisher
Why can't I have my cake (Enchantments) and eat it (+1/+1 Counters)
Orzhov Midrange
Mythic Mikaela
New Week New Deck
April Norris
Breach the Multiverse White
Charlotte Little
Premium Sun Dried Grapes
5-Color Ramp
Rakdos Midrange
Zoe Connell
i can't resist rakdos
Azorius Control
Boros Midrange
Noor Singh
She be flickering on my dino til you mill
Mono-Blue Tempo
Mono-White Midrange
Azorius Flash
Bant Combo
Bant Midrange
Boros Equipment
Esper Control
Grixis Artifacts
Grixis Midrange
Gruul Ramp
Izzet Tempo
Jeskai Convoke
There Has Never Been Anything Called The Jeskai Way and Even If There Had Been, Narset Can't Prove It
Jeskai Tokens
Mardu Vampires
Naya Aggro
Week 6
Esper Legends
Pls No Lithomantic Barrage
Not gonna think for this one
Esper Legends was my Multiverse of Madness
Mono-Red Aggro
Abby Rose
Reddedded Redemption
Mono Red Aggro
Shoshi Hope
RDHW (Red Deck Hopefully Wins)
the dwarves will punish greedy mana bases
Selesnya Enchantments
I Miss Runes but this will have to do
Robin Isabella
I miss Fable of the Mirror-Breaker
Emily Aisher
Why can't I have my cake (Enchantments) and eat it (+1/+1 Counters)
Orzhov Midrange
Cora Sabriel Stobie
Dark Wanderer Part 3: An Unlikely Ally?
A Weapon To Surpass Mono-Red?
Azorius Soldiers
April Norris
April gives her strongest soldiers their toughest battles
5-Color Ramp
Mono-Blue Tempo
Rakdos Midrange
Bans will not stop me from casting Bloodtithe Harvester
Abzan Control
Abzan Ramp
Azorius Midrange
Bant Combo
Bant Control
Boros Equipment
Grixis Artifacts
Grixis Breach
Grixis Combo
Grixis Midrange
Gruul Ramp
Izzet Tempo
Jeskai Convoke
There Has Never Been Anything Called The Jeskai Way and Even If There Had Been, Narset Can't Prove It
Mono-Black Midrange
Rakdos Convoke
Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire.
Selesnya Tokens
Week 7
Esper Legends
I need some Espirin
Pls No Lithomantic Barrage
Mono-Red Aggro
Abby Rose
Reddedded Redemption
Mono Red Aggro
Nicole Dubin
mono red i guess?
Shoshi Hope
RDHW (Red Deck Hopefully Wins)
the dwarves will punish greedy mana bases
5-Color Ramp
Orzhov Midrange
Zoe Connell
She orz my hov until I midrange
Cora Sabriel Stobie
Dark Wanderer: The Thrilling Conclusion!
Wanderer and Friends
I'll feel very silly if they aren't on Enchantments
Selesnya Enchantments
I Miss Runes but this will have to do
Robin Isabella
I miss Fable of the Mirror-Breaker
Emily Aisher
Why can't I have my cake (Enchantments) and eat it (+1/+1 Counters)
Azorius Control
Azorius Soldiers
Jeskai Dragons
Mono-Blue Tempo
Mono-White Midrange
Noelle Mendoza
pure mental anguish and boredom
4-Color Legends
Abzan Control
Bant Combo
Boros Control
Boros Equipment
Esper Defender
Grixis Midrange
Grixis Reanimator
Gruul Aggro
Izzet Tempo
Jeskai Convoke
There Has Never Been Anything Called The Jeskai Way and Even If There Had Been, Narset Can't Prove It
Mardu Vampires
Mono-Black Aggro
Mono-Green Aggro
Orzhov Clerics
Orzhov Control
Round of 32
5-Color Ramp
Esper Control
Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney
not midrange but still medium
Azorius Soldiers
Esper Legends
Azorius Control
Boros Midrange
Grixis Breach
Mono-Black Midrange
Mono-White Midrange
Orzhov Control
Orzhov Midrange
Selesnya Enchantments
Round of 16
Esper Control
Dimir Midrange
Mono W Control
Mono-Black Aggro
Mono-Black Midrange
Zoe Connell