Season 11 Decklists
Season 11
Week 1
5-Color Ramp
Zoe Connell Do-main? I hardly know main!
Kawaiit Riot A Clever Decklist Title
Robin An Unfortunate Compromise
Miranda In the Arms of an Angel
LadyOfTheCrease Dirty Netdecker
PhyrexianFanGirl Corrupted Domain
Esper Midrange
Diana Esper Midrance Season 11
Kora Benck If it works it works
Jenny Just Throw Amonkhet in Any Dimir Deck
Rakdos Midrange
4-Color Legends
Luna Hortman She Slo on my Gurk till I Overslime
Harper Wilson Slo Gurk and His Close Friends
Azorius Soldiers
Paige Smith Do You Think Love Can Bloom Even on a Battlefield?
InterplanarBeacon Just Another Soldier Deck
Golgari Midrange
Azorius Control
Bant Midrange
Dimir Midrange
Simic Artifacts
Esper Legends
5-Color Legends
Dimir Tempo
Esper Pyromancer
Grixis Midrange/Combo
Gruul Dinos
Mono-Black Midrange
Mono-Blue Cauldron
Mono-White Midrange
Orzhov Control
Orzhov Midrange
Week 2
5-Color Ramp
Robin Isabella the 52nd Domain Expansion joke you’ve heard
Kawaiit Riot A Clever Decklist Title
Sprite Domain, Back at it Again!
Miranda In the Arms of an Angel
LadyOfTheCrease Still A Netdecker
Esper Midrange
Diana Esper Midrance Season 11
Samantha Murphy Esper midrange
Rebecca Black If you can't beat 'em, bat 'em
Robin One day Simic will be good again
Rakdos Midrange
Catra Eureka! I discovered a Cutdown!
Six5ths Good Ol' RB. Nothing beats that.
Maria Tagi-Zade Rakdos Discover
Aspi Don't switch to domain this week :')
Gabi Emerson Beat It(The it is gurk but honestly i anticipate you not being on gurk so I am playing a safe pick)
Bant Toxic
Sarah Insert Britney Spears Joke Here
Sarah England Toxic Sludge Ft. Dr Ooze
Nora Martin White Wild Assault
4-Color Legends
Luna Hortman She Slo on my Gurk till I Overslime
CacZarn Nickelodeon's Kid's Choice Awards 2007 hosted by Justin Timberlake
Axe Thembro I just realized Slogurk is an ooze and not a frog
Azorius Soldiers
Paige Smith Do You Think Love Can Bloom Even on a Battlefield?
Freddie Air Bud 2: Golden Receiver
InterplanarBeacon Just Another Soldier Deck
Dimir Midrange
Golgari Midrange
Esper Legends
Amy James i wanted to play esper but i'm addicted to registering skrelv
Selesnya Toxic
5-Color Legends
Boros Midrange
Esper Pyromancer
Grixis Midrange/Combo
Gruul Dinos
Jeskai Dragons
Mono-Black Midrange
Orzhov Midrange
Rakdos Aggro
Rakdos Reanimator
Selesnya Aggro
Week 3
Boros Convoke
TheMightyLinguine Boros Convoke
Christine Carmack Boros Hogaak
CacZarn Temporary Lockdown is not a real magic card
Quinn Pollock Hogaak in standard
Harper Wilson Slogurk but instead of slogurk its boros convoke
Nile Joan i'll never play the same deck twice u will never catch me lackin
Olivia Roadkill Dunlap Battlefield Earth
Esper Midrange
Catra 4 Bats in a Cryptic Coat
Paige Smith The Ol' Midrange Esperience
Diana Esper Midrance Season 11
Robin Isabella Boros Convoke if you think about it
Mythic Mikaela What is Standard?
Rebecca Black If you can't beat 'em, bat 'em
Harmony No more lies or i'll give you a long goodbye
keyo Okay I lied no mana leak this week D:
Hastur Being reasonable won over putting Etrata in this deck for shipping reasons
Mono-Red Aggro
Abby Rose Too many new cards to test so I will just do red things this week
AtomicAlchemical Red Like Roses
5-Color Ramp
Zoe Connell Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of convoke, I shall fear no aggro
Sprite I didn't know what to do, so I kept doing the same
LadyOfTheCrease Still A Netdecker
PhyrexianFanGirl Corrupted Domain
Azorius Control
Rakdos Midrange
Six5ths Good Ol' RB. Nothing beats that.
Havivah Goodman Rakdos Midrange
Bant Toxic
Sarah Insert Britney Spears Joke Here
Sarah England Toxic Sludge Ft. Dr Ooze
Amy James good old toxic, nothing beats that!
Jason Ye It's Reasonable to register a deck without any reps, no Doubt?
4-Color Legends
Azorius Tempo
Noah R-G If Sam had waited 2 days I would have preboarded vs RDW
Dimir Control
Cora Sabriel Stobie <villain voice> Let us see how you fare without your precious <cardname>!
5-Color Legends
Azorius Flash
Azorius Soldiers
chaisaurusrex Tishanas Tidebinder Fanclub No More Lies Edition
Bant Control
Boros Tempo
Esper Pyromancer
Esper Tempo
Gruul Dinos
Jeskai Creature Combo
Jund Midrange
Mono-White Toxic
Naya Aggro
Sultai Combo
Week 4
Boros Convoke
TheMightyLinguine Boros convoke
Christine Carmack Boros Hogaak
Abby Rose In Sandydog we trust
Nicole Dubin nicole dubin week 3
Olivia Roadkill Dunlap Battlefield Earth
your_fave_maeve Thran Portal ????
Esper Midrange
Catra Won an RCQ with it so let’s just run it back.
Paige Smith The Ol' Midrange Esperience
Diana Esper Midrance Season 11
Robin Isabella Boros Convoke if you think about it
Kora Benck Ain't broke. Won't fix
Mythic Mikaela What is Standard?
Hastur Being reasonable won over putting Etrata in this deck for shipping reasons
Azorius Control
Amy James watching paint dry simulator 2k24
Charlotte Little The only good boomer is boomer magic
5-Color Ramp
PhyrexianFanGirl Corrupted Domain
Aspi This deck still exists :o
Mono-Red Aggro
Rakdos Midrange
Six5ths It ain't broke and I am too broke to Gurk.
Nile Joan my bf built my deck :/
4-Color Legends
CacZarn I'm the best you can get. Have you guessed me yet? I'm the slime oozin' out from your TV set!
Azorius Tempo
5-Color Domain
5-Color Legends
Abzan Roots
Azorius Aggro
Azorius Mentor
Harmony is this deck good? is this deck bad? i dont fucking know
Boros Aggro
Esper Control
Esper Pyromancer
Esper Tempo
Grixis Anvil
Gruul Dinos
Jeskai Convoke
Mono-Blue Tempo
Naya Aggro
Rakdos Aggro
Rakdos Reanimator
Gabi Emerson did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise? no.. I thought knot, it's not a story the jedi would tell you..
Sultai Reanimator
Worldsoul Ramp
Week 5
Azorius Control
Robin Isabella unoriginal uwu decklist name
Zoe Connell i have control issues
randomchild I Can't Believe its not lies!
Kawaiit Riot Haven't Learned My Lesson
Nile Joan what if we played magic...forever??
keyo CEDH Players Hate This 1 Simple Trick!
Esper Midrange
Catra Won an RCQ with it so let’s just run it back.
Paige Smith The Ol' Midrange Esperience
Maria Tagi-Zade Esper Midrange
TheMightyLinguine Esper Midrange
Mythic Mikaela What is Standard?
Jenny Esper Midrange Yet Again
Hastur Being reasonable lost, Etrata and Proft are kissing in my library
Boros Convoke
Christine Carmack Boros Hogaak
Emily Aisher If you can’t beat ‘em, join em
Abby Rose In Sandydog we trust
Amy Altman May the Best Amy Win!!
Zabracus Something different this week
InterplanarBeacon Boros Convoke
Olivia Roadkill Dunlap Ojer Axonil save me... save me Ojer Axonil
4-Color Ramp
Six5ths Everyone say thank you, cftsoc.
Noor Singh Gurking too close to the sun
Harper Wilson Professional Netdecking
Nicole Dubin "can you submit cft's 68 card special for me I'm drunk and can't find the link"
5-Color Ramp
Mel Woods Plot twist: No tapping here except for lands
Bant Toxic
Rakdos Midrange
Sarah England Big time Rakdos 2.0
AtomicAlchemical Time To Gix It Up
Dimir Midrange
Andrea Smith ub crap pile of poop
Samantha Murphy Dimir midrange
Azorius Tempo
Mono-Red Aggro
4-Color Legends
CacZarn I'm the best you can get. Have you guessed me yet? I'm the slime oozin' out from your TV set!
Dimir Control
Cora Sabriel Stobie I set my commander as Kotose, the Silent Spider
Gabi Emerson I am what you get if u put the collective minds of boygenius into a clodsires body and that is a beautiful tragedy, but it is the lotl i was dealt so here i am playing vibeo gane :3
Abzan Roots
Azorius Mentor
Harmony is this deck good? is this deck bad? i dont fucking know
Boros Discover
gwynmtg I really hope my opponent is still playing esper because I based my entire deck around it and it would be very embarrassing if they played something else
Dimir Reanimator
Charlotte Little Only chumps and pro tour competitors learn one deck
Dimir Tempo
Esper Tempo
Gruul Dinos
Jeskai Pyromancer
Jund Midrange
Mono-Blue Tempo
Mono-Green Ramp
Mono-White Midrange
Naya Convoke
Simic Artifacts
Worldsoul Ramp
Week 6
Esper Midrange
Catra Won an RCQ with it so let’s just run it back.
Paige Smith The Mana Leak Esperience
Robin Isabella if it ain't broke don't fix it
Sarah Switching Archetypes is too Hard so I'll Change 2 Flex Slots Instead
TheMightyLinguine Esper Midrange
Mythic Mikaela Wow, I submitted a new deck
Jenny I think we know what I'm doing by now
Winnie Rakdos or da Gurk fo today
Azorius Control
Maria Tagi-Zade Azorius Control
Zoe Connell ugggh, i really wanted to submit ub, but i waffled back and forth a bunch and ended up submitting control again
Harper Wilson uwu or something idk im not usually a UW control player
Pipermaru If you can't beat 'em....
keyo CEDH Players Hate This 1 Simple Trick!
Aspi Let's go for the 1-0 victory
Violet_Starmine Training Montage
CliffBoyardee UwU Control once again but this time we got the whip in the board
Boros Convoke
Christine Carmack Boros Hogaak
Cora Sabriel Stobie Board Up the Windows
Skybilz Boros Convoke...sort of.
Mel Woods If it ain't broke, still convoke!
Emily Aisher If you can’t beat ‘em, join em
Robin The Boros Willy Wonka Experience
Amy Altman Doug Immodane of the Immsdale Immodome
Zabracus Something different this week
InterplanarBeacon Boros Convoke V2
Olivia Roadkill Dunlap Ojer Axonil save me... save me Ojer Axonil
5-Color Ramp
Six5ths Could not figure out a build for 70. I will accept my cancelation, now.
Sprite Domain, Back at it Again!
Golgari Midrange
Mono-Red Aggro
Dimir Midrange
Andrea Smith ub crap pile of poop
january do yall think gix has tboy swag
4-Color Legends
Noor Singh No gurk? No problem!
CacZarn I'm the best you can get. Have you guessed me yet? I'm the slime oozin' out from your TV set!
Bant Toxic
Gruul Aggro
5-Color Jank
Abzan Roots
Azorius Midrange
Azorius Soldiers
Dimir Control
Gabi Emerson Brosandi Hendumst í hringi Höldumst í hendur Allur heimurinn óskýr nema þú stendur Rennblautur Allur rennvotur Engin gúmmístígvél Hlaupandi í okkur ? Vill springa út úr skel
Dimir Reanimator
Charlotte Little Only chumps and pro tour competitors learn one deck
Esper Tempo
Gruul Dinos
Jeskai Convoke
Jeskai Eggs
Jund Midrange
Mono-Blue Tempo
Mono-Green Ramp
Naya Convoke
Selesnya Toxic
Simic Artifacts
Week 7
Esper Midrange
Catra Won an RCQ with it so let’s just run it back.
Paige Smith The Ol' Midrange Esperience
Robin Isabella if it ain't broke don't fix it
Chelsea H Finally Succumbing to Raffine
checkmateCora raffineless raffine
Axe Thembro And whenever Slogurk isn't in Axe's deck, people should be asking Where's Slogurk?
Boros Convoke
Christine Carmack Boros Hogaak
Mel Woods One last tap tap zoom zoom ... unless?
Emily Aisher If you can’t beat ‘em, join em
Amy Altman Doug Immodane of the Immsdale Immodome
Zabracus Something different this week
InterplanarBeacon Boros Convoke V2
Azorius Control
Zoe Connell heyyyy its uw control again
Cora Sabriel Stobie Having a whale of a time
Kawaiit Riot once more with feeling
Robin The beginning of the villain arc
Aspi I promise I only lost because I was asleep last week I won a rcq with this
VioletViatt UwU (not in a weird way haha its just the colors okayyyyy)
5-Color Ramp
Kora Benck If you counter you are Lisan Al Galib
Sprite One More Time with Feeling
Dimir Midrange
january quirked up praetor busting it down phyrexual style
Harper Wilson Please noone tell andrea I stole her deck :)
Bant Toxic
Golgari Midrange
Azorius Tempo
4-Color Legends
CacZarn I'm the best you can get. Have you guessed me yet? I'm the slime oozin' out from your TV set!
5-Color Jank
5-Color Lands
Abzan Roots
Azorious Flash
Skye You thought I'd be on the same monored deck this week, but you'd be wrong. For you see, it wasn't the best, and I want to have fun this week. Especially after going 4-2 in a legacy event and came 12th
Azorius Aggro
Azorius Mentor
Dimir Aggro
Esper Tempo
Grixis Artifacts
Gruul Dinos
Jeskai Convoke
Jund Midrange
Mono-Blue Tempo
Mono-Green Ramp
Mono-White Midrange
Multiverse Combo
Naya Convoke
Rakdos Aggro
Simic Artifacts
Sultai Combo
Wildcard Round
Azorius Control
Mythic Mikaela You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
Harper Wilson Im like the Michael Jordon of stealing decks from Cliff Boyardee
Esper Midrange
Paige Smith Do You Think Raffine Can Connive Even on a Battlefield?
Temur Ramp
5-Color Ramp
4-Color Legends
4-Color Reclamation
Six5ths Look, 68 ain't the answer but I need like another week to figure out how to get BUG to 60.
Azorius Soldiers
Bant Toxic
Golgari Midrange
Rakdos Midrange
Simic Artifacts
Sultai Ramp
Round of 32
Dimir Midrange
Sarah England Actual Pirate this time
Zoe Connell fun fact: dimir midrange is an anagram for "mermaid riding"
Esper Midrange
Paige Smith The Ol' Midrange Esperience (Now With More Lazav!)
5-Color Ramp
VioletViatt I dont have to learn to play domain I have to learn to play domain against exactly my opponent's 75
5-Color Lands
Azorius Midrange
Boros Convoke
Dimir Control
Golgari Midrange
Aspi Look idk what beats slogurk and control isn't the answer this time
Jeskai Control
Squirming Emergence
Sultai Ramp
Round of 16
Dimir Midrange
Zoe Connell Am I going to regret not submitting Bant Toxic?
Esper Midrange
5-Color Ramp
Azorius Midrange
Golgari Midrange
Esper Midrange
burnt_taco77 55 raffines 55 sheoldred 55 wedding announcements 55 thrulls 55 bats 55 no more lies 55 cut downs
5-Color Ramp
Azorius Control
Boros Convoke
Golgari Midrange
Sultai Ramp
Esper Midrange
burnt_taco77 55 raffines 55 sheoldred 55 wedding announcements 55 thrulls 55 bats 55 no more lies 55 cut downs