Season 8 Decklists
Season 8
Week 1
Esper Midrange
Ashlizzlle If you can't beat 'em join 'em
Aoife do you know why they call it midrange?? Because it's mid
Nile Joan Esper? Hardly Know Her
Aspi Hot sphinx and other pretty things
Grixis Midrange
Harrison Steuer Grixis Midrange
Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney Grixis Invoke
Samantha Murphy Grixis Midrange
Heather Bonnell Steuer Grixis Midrange
Mono Blue Tempo
Owa Protect the Shirtless Flying Man
Abby Rose I hear blue spells are good
Stevie Knapp Happy Little Islands
Rakdos Midrange
Selesnya Enchantments
5c Domain
Azorius Flash
Bant Storm
BW Midrange
Esper Aggro
Esper Raffine
Grixis mr
Gruul Modified
GW Enchantment
Izzet Spells
Jodah Humans
Kraken Swarm
Mardu Midrange/Combo
Mardu Sacrifice
Mono B Aggro
Mono Red
Mono U Delver
Mono U Tempo
Mono White Aggro
Mono-U Tempo
MonoB Midrange
Naya Enchantments
Naya Enchantress
Naya Enchants
Rakdos Vampires
UR Djinn
URW Aggro
Werewolf Tribal
White Aggro
Zombie Tribal Dimir
Week 2
Grixis Midrange
Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney Grixis Invoke
Nicole Dubin The champ is washed
Jane Original Deck Do Not Steal
Autumn Yep, Definitely a Corpse
Samantha Murphy Grixis Midrange
Rachel Feingersh Grixis pile V2
Zoe Connell Wandering Mind Grixis
Heather Bonnell Interview with a vampire
Esper Midrange
Chaddius Prime Esper Midrange (Admin submitted)
Aoife do you know why they call it midrange?? Because it's mid
Mono Blue Tempo
Owa Protect the Shirtless Flying Man Version 2
Selesnya Enchantments
Jund Midrange
Rakdos Midrange
5 Color Combo
5c Domain
5C Humans
5c Kami War
Azorius Flash
Bant Storm
Bant Storm the Festival
BW Midrange
Dimir Kraken
Esper Raffine
Grixis invoke
Grixis Mid
Gruul Aggro
Izzet Midrange
Izzet Spells
Jeskai Aggro
Jeskai Taxes
Jund Reanimator
Mardu Midrange/Combo
Mono U Tempo
Mono-U Tempo
MonoRed Aggro
Orzhov clerics
Sultai Grave
UR Djinn
Uw control
Werewolf Tribal
WG Enchantments
White Aggro
Zombie Tribal Dhimir
Week 3
Grixis Midrange
Nicole Dubin Eternal Damnation of the Wandering Mind
Jane Original Deck Do Not Steal
Samantha Murphy Grixis Midrange
Heather Tennant Grixis State of Mind
Rachel Feingersh Grixis pile V3
Heather Bonnell Interview with a vampire
Esper Midrange
Paige Smith I'm Terrible At Naming These Things
Nile Joan Much ado about Grixis
Rakdos Midrange
Pure Heart Idols Rakdos Midrange HD
Owa I really hope my opponent is playing aggro still
Hy why call it "reckoner bankbuster" when "ratmobile" was right there
Izzet Tempo
Julie Izzette Call me Julie Wellwoman
PK Shellboy This Is Definitely Mono-Blue Tempo
Mardu Midrange
4 Color Kraken
5 Color Combo
5c Domain
5C Humans
5c Kami War
Azorius Flash
Esper Legendaries
Esper Raffine
Grixis Mid
Izzet Control
Izzet Spells
Jeskai Taxes
Jeskai Tempo
Jodah Humans
Jund Reanimator
Jund Stuff, Splash Jund
Mardu Midrange/Combo
Mardu Sacrifice
Mono White Aggro
Mono-Red Aggro
Mono-U Tempo
Orzhov clerics
Selesnya Aggro
UR Djinn
UR Midrange
WG Enchantments
White Aggro
Zombie Dimir Tokens
Week 4
Grixis Midrange
Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney Grixis
Samantha Murphy Grixis Midrange
Heather Tennant Grixis State of Mind
Hy one black Invoke is bad enough, but i got da spare
Esper Midrange
Owa Midrange comforts me in times of changing formats
Jane Original Deck Do Not Steal
Aoife maybe midrange... isn't mid after all...
Emmett Tomkinson Esper With a Twist
Rakdos Midrange
Grixis Anvil
Admin submitted
Azorius Flash
Black Aggro
Boros Burn
Dimir Zombie Tokens
Esper Aggro
Grixis Artifact Tokens
Grixis Mid
Izzet Control
Izzet Iconoclast
Izzet Prowess
Izzet Spells
Jeskai Tempo
Jodah Humans
Jund Sac
Jund Windgrace
Mardu Midrange/Combo
Mono B Aggro
Mono Black Aggro
Mono Black Control
pomona flowers Tommy Tallarico personally made this decklist
Mono Black Midrange
Mono Red
Mono W Control
Mono White Aggro
Mono-Black Aggro
Mono-Black Midrange
Mono-Red Aggro
Mono-White Midrange
Orzhov clerics
Orzhov Midrange
Red Aggro Artifact
Soldiers Tempo
UG Bogles
UR Djinn
UW Aggro
UW Assembly Workers
WG Enchantments
White Aggro
White Weenie
Week 5
Grixis Midrange
Hard to argue with Results
Mythic Mikaela
Plz Win: Brother's War Edition
Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney
Grixis Bro
Midrange, but make it more evil
Nicole Dubin
Talking Heads...Speaking in Tongues
Samantha Murphy
Grixis Midrange
Heather Tennant
Grixis Apocalypse
one black Invoke is bad enough, but i got da spare
Esper Midrange
Heather Bonnell
The Schemes of Raffine
Mono-Blue Tempo
Admin submitted deck (neo week 4)
Shore Up my Winrate
Mono-Black Aggro
Grixis Artifacts
Mardu Angels
Mono-White Aggro
Mono-Black Control
pomona flowers
Tommy Tallarico personally made this decklist
Azorius Control
Azorius Flash
Boros Midrange
Dimir Tribal Tokens
Esper Artifacts
Izzet Control
Izzet Iconoclast
Jund Sacrifice
Mardu Midrange/Combo
Mardu Sacrifice
Mono-Black Midrange
Mono-White Midrange
Orzhov Clerics
Simic Bogles
Simic Ramp
Titania Ramp
Week 6
Grixis Midrange
Hard to argue with Results
Paige Smith
And Now For Something Completely Different
And when everyone is one will be
Samantha Murphy
Grixis Midrange
one black Invoke is bad enough, but i got da spare
Mardu Angels
Mono-Black Aggro
Azorius Soldiers
Esper Midrange
Mono-Red Aggro
Rakdos Midrange
Mono-Black Control
pomona flowers
Tommy Tallarico personally made this decklist
Mono-Black Midrange
Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney
Anti Neo Deck (sorry/i really hope you didn't pivot)
Dimir Artifacts
Dimir Midrange
Dimir Tribal Tokens
Esper Legends
Izzet Aggro
Izzet Control
Izzet Iconoclast
Mardu Midrange/Combo
Mono-Red Artifacts
Orzhov Clerics
Orzhov Midrange
Simic Ramp
Sultai Grave
Titania Ramp
Week 7
Grixis Midrange
Hard to argue with Results
Sky Bauerschmidt Sweeney
In Grixis We Trust
Paige Smith
And Now For Something Completely Different
Pints of Grixis Make You Strong
Fable of the Gluten-Breaker
Samantha Murphy
In Jaberwocki we trust
Heather Tennant
Yet More Grixis Midrange
Rachel Feingersh
Grixid pile v7
Kora Benck
Please don't pivot on me Sarah
Mono-Black Aggro
Mono-White Midrange
Eleanor Meyer
Mono White Midrange
Amanda Cossai
Mono White Midrange
Mardu Angels
Mono-Blue Tempo
Azorius Control
Izzet Prowess
Dimir Artifacts
Dimir Midrange
Dimir Tempo
Dimir Tribal Tokens
Esper Legends
Grixis Sacrifice
Izzet Iconoclast
Izzet Ramp
Mardu Midrange/Combo
Mono-Black Control
Mono-Red Artifacts
Mono-White Aggro
Mono-White Control
Orzhov Clerics
Rakdos Sacrifice
Simic Ramp
Titania Ramp
Round of 32
Grixis Midrange
Maria Tagi-Zade
Cheri Shelly Lady
Pints of Grixis Make You Strong
Nicole Dubin
Talking Heads...Stop Making Sense
Samantha Murphy
Grixis Midrange